Intensive Gardening in Raised Beds

Growing Vining Plants on a Trellis saves space
Growing Vining Plants on a Trellis saves space

Here’s the photo I promised showing how I’m growing melons on a trellis. I have two trellis’ on this raised bed and I’m growing four varieties of melons, five varieties of peppers, chard, strawberries and green beans in a space of 4′ X 24′

The bed is 24″ high with side-walls made of poured steel reinforced concrete. I built two beds like this and like them so well that I’m going to build more. I hope to have that done in time to have a larger fall garden. The pictures on the right show some of the building process along with my “Country Home”.

By Charles

I am an Indie Author/Publisher authoring many of and sponsoring many other books in "The Well Fed Gardener" , (a branded book series ((like Chicken Soup for The Soul))) published by Earthway Publishing (of which I am Publisher). The Series is about gardening and lifestyle design. Gardening is one of my many passions. Gardening is a creative art form just like music, art, theatre, writing, philosophy, architecture or any other positive life experienced and expressed. I'm passionate about vegetable gardening especially because simplistically: 1. I like to eat tasty high quality home grown food, 2. I prefer to avoid chemicals that may be toxic, 3. I believe it is unconscionable to transport food more than 1,500 miles before it reaches our plate which, according to World Watch, is what we're doing now. To transport our food over those distances requires geneticically engineered plant varieties aimed at withstanding the rigors of handling and jostling of travel while maintaining an attractive appearance for the ultimate consumer after reaching the super market. Flavor and nutritional value are secondary considerations. Additionally, the infrastructure (roads and highways), tools, equipment, (machinery, trucks, ships planes,etc.), labor, government regulation and intervention all add to the atrocious cost to our planet. I believe that anyone can grow much if not all of what they eat right in their own backyard, community garden or patio container garden while enjoying the beauty of their designs and creations, the wonderful family and community camaraderie experiences and--all in concert with the self-satisfaction that you're living the very best life you can imagine. If you're a writer (or a wannabe writer) and feel you have a book or an article in this genre, contact: for publishing guidelines.


  1. This is so very cool!! But do the melons want to fall to the ground when they get full grown because of their weight?? Just curious?!

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