
https://www.Wellfedgardener.com is a warm welcoming community for gardeners, writers and lovers of wholesome lifestyles published by Earthwaypublishing.com which is owned by Tutt & Tutt, LLC.

Charles Tutt is the Publisher/Editor and sometimes Content Author. Charles is retired from business and now writes, publishes and piddles to keep busy and maintain social dialogue and contact with like-minded individuals of all ages and interests.

We feel exchanging stories and ideas with fellow gardeners and writers is inspiring, fun and enjoyable.

Charles has been gardening since he was a little boy. Recently, (in the last 20 years), he’s become a Certified Master Gardener to further feed and polish his passion for gardening, especially growing food, preparing and preserving it. More importantly, Charles uses his knowledge and observations about gardening and the life cycles in the garden to offer a metaphorical backdrop for some of his more serious writings about life’s purpose, meaning and evolution. He feels gardening is an excellent environment for the profound study of life and living.

We invite your photos, articles, experiences, questions,  and participation. Please comment freely. That’s what will make our little band of friends a pleasure. We believe that food gardening, like the Victory Gardens of the past, are an increasingly attractive aspect of current modern trends toward a more pure, wholesome and green lifestyle.

It just doesn’t make good common sense that the common menu item on our dinner plate travels 1500 miles before it reaches our table. What a waste! That’s a waste of food quality, time, energy, transportation infrastructure and etc., etc., etc.. We can do better!

What Personal Data we collect and why we collect it.

We do not collect any data on site visitors until or unless you register as a user, member, article contributor, photo or wish to submit a comment. Then we will collect your name and email address for contact purposes. Some contact purposes may include clarification about submissions, inclusion in an occasional newsletter or announcement. We do not place cookies on your computer without your knowledge and we are not responsible for cookies or data collection by any third parties who may advertise or otherwise place contact links on our site.

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